Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Kim's Ugly New Man

Kim Kardashian's New boyfriend Miles Austin is a big downgrade from Reggie bush this guy is super corny looking, Honestly Reggie dating Amber Rose is a Big upgrade although I love Kim all of her surgery is making her look about 45.

I really think Kim should have took more time to find herself and leave the botox alone rather than to settle to the first NFL clown who offered his effection. So kim i give your new ugly man a -10 Reggie although Amber Rose is gorgeous you should have waited.

Lindsay Lohan Goes to Jail

Now that a 90-day jail sentence has been issued and some courtroom tears have been shed and some Web photos of profanely painted fingernails have been posted, the question is: what's next for Lindsay Lohan? Can she do her time in prison while still working toward a career comeback? Opinions are mixed.

My Personal opinion is that the law have let Crackhead Lohan slide way too many time and she is truly getting what she deserves, if it ruins her career so be it, she had plenty of time to worry about her career while she was drinking and getting high.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fashion Outlook: Trina

Rapper Trina is very fashion forward in a new photo shoot were she channels her inner futuristic diva

When you listen to this now who is really being disrespectful, i love both of them musically but one is a Gimick and one is a real rapper from the streets. so im #TeamKim

Monday, May 31, 2010

What Is Wrong With This Picture???

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(Ronnie Margo) from “Jersey Shore” posing for photographers in Vegas this weekend. Something looks a tad bit off about this pic, but we can’t quite put our finger on it. Perhaps you guys can help…What Is Wrong With This Picture????



Basketball Wives Gloria's husband Matt Barnes Tweeted to Shaunie about his
opinion of the mistreatment of his wife.

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Friday, May 28, 2010